

The dollar will become cheap, but Spanband will become expensive?!

اسپان باند

In Iran, it has been observed many times that the price of the dollar has decreased, but the price of spam bond has increased, and of course this has also happened in reverse, that is, the price of span bond has been decreasing, but the price of currency is increasing, but why?
The price of spam bond is primarily related to the price of PP material in the stock market. Therefore, the supply and demand in the commodity exchange in Iran is the most important factor determining the price of Band province. In the commodity exchange, the floor price of textile polypropylene is known, but supply and demand are the main determinants of the price, mostly in Iran, no transaction has been made with the floor price that is determined in the stock exchange, and the main players who determine the price are the suppliers or the petrochemicals, which with the decrease in supply and Different policies in the supply of these goods and materials determine the price.

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